Wednesday, June 29, 2011
1:30 PM Eastern (12:30 PM Central, 11:30 AM Mountain, 10:30 AM Pacific
Duration: 90 minutes
Presenter: Linnea Blair
A Workplace Training Center Audio Conference by American Painting Contractor Magazine
If you want to know how on earth social media could ever pay off for your painting contracting business, this is the audio conference for you.
Whether you’re using social media already but think you could be getting better results, or whether you are still trying to figure out what all the hubbub is about, Linnea Blair of Advisors on Target has helped many painting contractors get online and get their message out. And now, she shares her best ideas and advice for how you can use social media marketing to reach the audience you want, get the clients you need and be more successful.
How could social media benefit your company? How do you find and reach the people who are most likely to hire you? Are you constantly bombarded by companies trying to get you to pay money for social media services you do not fully understand? What social media can you do on your own—and when is it time to hire someone to do it for you?
If you are like most business owners, you want the confidence and knowledge to create a professional social media presence that reflects your company brand the way you want to be known—and you want the tools to connect effectively with your audience to get more business!
Are you the owner of a small to medium-sized business who wants to get more leads and referrals through social networking? This is one training investment that is sure to pay off for you.
Online relationships mirror offline relationships. If you can connect with your current contacts through social media as well as in person, you will expand your ability to be at the top of their minds and become connected to their networks. In other words, you get your business in front of more eyes—more often! Sign up today to listen to the live event with a Q&A with Linnea afterwards, or order the CD to listen to at your own convenience.
Learning Objectives:
- You know social media should be part of your marketing strategy, but what does it actually mean to create brand awareness, generate new leads, and gain referral business from existing clients and referral partners using social media?
- What are you missing by not being online and using social media in today’s modern business environment?
- How do social media apply specifically to your painting company? How do you use it to reflect your company brand and connect with your audience to get more business—without wasting a lot of time?
- Define your purpose for using social media so that it makes sense with your marketing goals
- Maximize your company presence on the top three social media sites: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
- Start using effective networking and marketing techniques with social media to increase brand awareness